Saturday, August 18, 2007


Tasmania, originally uploaded by oncidium.

in beautiful Australia truly looks like a magical fairy land. A dreamland for me, excellent work!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

No, this is not China....

No, this is not China...., originally uploaded by langkawi.

it is Albania. The beautiful meandering river leads the eye through the green scenery to the mountains in the distance. Wonderful shot!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Touareg guide

Touareg guide, originally uploaded by Emmie76.

Here is an interesting photo from Algeria. I love the composition - it gives the viewer a feeling of limitless space, sky, and sand. Beautiful!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Afghanistan Lake

Afghanistan_Lake.jpg, originally uploaded by Jan_Colombo.

I love traveling and so have decided to travel through the A Big Fave pool to highlight some interesting photos from around this wonderful planet that we all live on. Here is a surreal landscape from Afghanistan. The blue water is amazing!